Tuur Killaars, naval architect at Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V. (former Ulstein Sea of Solutions), is nominated for the Maritime Designer Award 2015. For his master thesis, Tuur developed a method to describe and analyze the complex interactions between different systems and components already in the early ship design stages. The innovative aspect of this design method is to apply existing scientific network theories in daily ship design processes. Based on case-studies the method proved to be beneficial to quickly and easily evaluate the consequences of design changes.
The method is currently applied and further developed at Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V. in actual projects.
The Maritime Designer Award is promoting and encouraging the contribution of young talent in innovating ship design processes. The winner is announced on November 2nd, 2015 at the Maritime Awards Gala 2015.
Shipbuilder has been used by Tuur Killaars for one design case to analyse the dataset of a small motoryacht. This Hollander Trend yacht from Vedette Jachtbouw is designed by Wijk Yacht Creation in Shipbuilder, so a reasonable ship design data network was available. This allowed Tuur Killaars to analyse the interactions between design data in several levels and from several aspects successfully. After this exercise Tuur was able to apply the same analysis to a case study at Ulstein Design & Solutions B.V. (UDS BV).