EnglishNewsWorkshops to make your digital transformation a success6th September 2017The digital transformation in the maritime sector is in full gear. The question you should ask as a company is…
EnglishNewsBig data: Top 5 priorities the maritime industry should know21st February 2017Big data. Many maritime organisations are preparing to start working with it shortly. It is one of the trends that…
BenefitsEnglishNewsShipbuilder launches 3D access to real-time data in VR+ module – Exact location of all parts now visible in the 3D web browser20th December 2016Shipbuilder has started a real virtual reality (VR) revolution that enables full visual access to new and existing maritime projects.…
EnglishNewsResearch3D printing to cause turmoil in the ship building industry until 2050: looking for a game changer31st October 20163D printing will cause so much turmoil in the ship building and shipping industry until 2050 that the industry has…
EnglishNewsMaritime sector doesn’t fully leverage Virtual Reality’s potential, yet26th October 2016A survey conducted by Shipbuilder shows maritime organisations mainly use very standard virtual reality (VR) functionalities. Geert Schouten, director of…