ColumnDutchNewsMaritiem Masterplan – Praten kunnen we goed, nu actie!26th June 2023Het Maritiem Masterplan kan niemand in de maritieme sector zijn ontgaan. Met dit plan wordt beoogd de Nederlandse maritieme sector…
ColumnDutch2020: basisjaar voor digitale vernieuwing voor de maritieme sector24th December 2020Wat hebben we geleerd van het onstuimige jaar 2020? Wat mij beroepsmatig intrigeert is, dat 2020 vooral een digitaliseringsjaar is.…
ColumnEnglishNewsShipbuilderSENSEArtificial Intelligence greatly simplifies the digital transformation of the maritime sector 18th September 2020 -Column by Geert Schouten, director at Shipbuilder- Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both ship and yacht building is already…
ColumnEnglishNewsWhy do we still spend 30 percent of our time looking for information? – Column Geert Schouten17th December 2019I’ve recently posted the message on LinkedIn that almost a third of a working day is spent on the search…
BenefitsColumnEnglishNewsResearchFrom maritime data noose to data intelligence, this is how you do it – Column Geert Schouten1st September 2018Maritime newbuild projects, conversions and maintenance projects have at least one thing in common: millions are lost in search for…